Nylas not returning recurrence object

I am facing an issue while returning list of events for Microsoft mails.
It is not returning recurring object in events; it is returning repeated(recurring) events separately.
I am using nodeJs SDK

const grant = await nylas.events.list({

Hello @sheik as far as I know, recurring events are returned as separate events sharing the same master_event_id :thinking:

@ram Do you know how to recognize if they are recurrent or not?

@Blag @sheik

This is my understanding, you need to edit the master object to modify repeat events.

Each event will be represented in the calendar (and available via /GET) once a recurring event is created.

Hey @ram solved that issue, when we use get all events ,it is returning recurring events separately with common master_event_id. when master_event_id is used to get event info it is returning recurring object in the response.

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