Regarding auth flow of email and scheduler

@ram I currently need to retrieve only the name specified in the email. Is there a way to get this information using just the grant ID and API key, without needing the access token?

Here’s my current flow, which doesn’t require refreshing the token every hour to get calendar information:

export class CustomIdentityRequestWrapper {

    constructor(API_KEY, domain) {
        this.API_KEY = API_KEY;
        this.domain = domain;

    async request(args) {
        try {
            const user = await this.currentUser();
            const response = await fetch(`${this.domain}/grants/${}/${args.path}`, {
                method: args.method,
                body: JSON.stringify(args.body),
                headers: {
                    'Authorization': `Bearer ${this.API_KEY}`,
                    'Content-Type': 'application/json',

            if (!response.ok) {
                console.error(`Error: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`);
                return { error: `Error: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}` };

            const data = await response.json();
            return [data, null];
        } catch (error) {
            console.error('Fetch error:', error);
            return { error: "Error" };

    async currentUser() {
        return {
            id: '7..........................',
            email: 'dhruv...........',
            provider: 'google',
            name: ''

    async setDefaultAuthArgs(authArgs) {
        return authArgs;

    async authenticationUrl() {
        return 'http://localhost:3000/scheduler-editor';

I’ve modified the scheduler editor code to use an API key instead of an access token. Now, the current user info can be retrieved through a tokeninfo request, which requires either an access token or an ID token obtained after the connect token request. However, the ID token also expires after some time. Is there any way to get user data like grant ID, name, email, and provider without handling the refresh token?
becuase name is important thing to shown on scheduler-editor component
ref-api : Nylas v3 Administration API docs | Nylas Docs