Scheduler UI component redirect_uri

Using the nylas-scheduler-editer component, it prompts me to login with my email. I do so, with an email that I am positive has a grant, and my redirect uri sends me to my api. I’m facing problems with a code verifier, which I could use some tips on. Also, once on my api how am i expected to tell my nylas-scheduler-editer that I am now authenticated via google (for instance).

Please dont just send me back to the docs :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :skull: :skull_and_crossbones:

@sboynton thanks for posting, just trying to learn more about your setup.

  1. Are you using your own authentication flow? Are you using one of the Nylas SDK?

  2. Can you share your code initial call to create the authentication URL? I assume you are not using hosted authentication.

  3. As a quick check does using the Hosted Authentication flow work?