I am actually doing this, i am setting a personal account to test and try to reproduce the issue, and i have a question : in our work account we added the support@nylas.com but only with reader role, not as an owner as the documentation says, do you think that can be the cause?
I finally found the main cause, it was caused by a missing scopes in the google OAuth consent screen config (userinfo.email, userinfo.profile,openid ) and it works for me now, i received the grant.invalid webhook event, but is it normal to receive it with a 1 hour delay ? i revoked the accès at 9h45 AM and i received the webhook event at 11h04 AM .
@saissaoui - let me pass this onto the Eng team, will follow up if any questions. I cannot reproduce the delay, but will see if we have any logging about this.
@saissaoui one follow up question, for grant.expired webhook would you happen to know the webhook_delivery_attempt value when received after an hour period? I assume it would be 1:
@ram I finally found the solution, it was another config issue, according to this article it’s an issue when we activate only calendar scope, so in the google connector params in the dashboard i went from this :