(alternative of Thankyou Page-thank_you_redirect version 2) in nylas scheduler V3

I’m currently in the process of upgrading from Nylas Scheduler V2 to V3 and have encountered a limitation with the **confirmation_redirect_url** feature that I hope you can help address.

In Nylas Scheduler V2, the **thank_you_redirect** page was quite useful as it allowed us to dynamically redirect users to a custom thank-you page with query parameters containing relevant data (such as booking details). This feature enabled us to easily track, display, and handle booking information post-scheduling.

However, in Nylas Scheduler V3, it seems that the **confirmation_redirect_url** does not provide the ability to append any query parameters or booking-specific data when redirecting users. This lack of dynamic data in the redirect limits our ability to customize the user experience or handle confirmation-related actions effectively.

Request for Solution:

We would like to request one of the following solutions or alternatives:

  1. Enhance confirmation_redirect_url: Provide an option to append relevant data (such as booking ID, participant details, etc.) as query string parameters when the user is redirected after a successful booking.
  2. Alternative to thank_you_redirect: Suggest a new mechanism or workaround to achieve similar functionality as the thank_you_redirect in V2. This could include dynamic data passing in the URL we can use to customize the user experience.

Hello @naveedjb I will request someone from the Scheduler team to check and provide a solution for your question :slight_smile:

@naveedjb thanks for reaching out,

Using the components is the recommended way of passing whatever you like on redirect! You can use the eventOverride prop to do whatever you like on booking confirmation, which includes grabbing the confirmation_redirect_url from the configSettingsLoaded event, appending query params, and redirecting the users :slightly_smiling_face: .

We are currently working on adding this support for the nylas-hosted solution, specifically for customers who are not using the Scheduling page component. That should be released in the coming weeks, and will include data such as the booking_id and config_id.

Hope this helps!

Thanks for the reply. But we are creating configuration object using scheduler API and using the hosted url i.e. Nylas - Scheduler v3.

Your given target date is October 1 to migrate on V3 which seems to hard if this things are not available

Totally understand, what I can do at the very least is update this thread once we ship the feature for the hosted URLs :slight_smile: should be soon. Also keep an eye on our release notes!

can we extra time for project updation to V3 instead of current deadline Oct 1 for V2 as we still need things stuff like above for inlcusion in the application

@naveedjb I would reach out to your CSM, they’ll be able to work with you!