Is there a hosted page from nylas to handle reschedules? I recall there was one in v2, but I’m only seeing the PATCH curl for rescheduling in v3
Specifically in terms of rescheduling a booking
Is there a hosted page from nylas to handle reschedules? I recall there was one in v2, but I’m only seeing the PATCH curl for rescheduling in v3
Specifically in terms of rescheduling a booking
@sboynton Asking the question, will get back to you
And answer is here
Rescheduling is supported in the hosted pages. It needs a
bookingRef which is sent in the email communication.
Thanks @blag, helps a lot. On the reschedule page, I noticed that it does not accept query params. In other words, when I go to
it does not actually fill in the field for name
like the regular hosted scheduling page does. Is this going to be fixed?
Good question I assume it will but let me ask