Any way to listen to a sent email being forwarded to another person?

Is there any way to listen to a sent email being forwarded to another person?

Hello @quan20112002 I don’t think you can do that, as we have webhook triggers for created, updated and deleted emails, but let me check and will get back to you :slight_smile:

It would be great if this function could be implemented
It will help businesses increase the statistics of emails sent and shared
We hope you can have this function

@quan20112002 We don’t have functionality, sadly :frowning: But, we have some nice workarounds :wink:

if you forward a message with open or click tracking, you can detect when the forwarded message is opened or a link is clicked in it, but you can’t identify if it was a forwarded message. You will get the IP address of the user and it may or may not show as being distinct from the original recipient depending on the network differences between them. Track email messages | Nylas Docs

Alternatively, if both sender and recipient are connected to Nylas, then you can track that a message has been forwarded my monitoring the sender’s sent folder and the recipient’s inbox.