Can you help me with integration Nylas v2 on Nylas v3

I realised this step but it doesnt work and I get issue 400: redirect_uri_mismatch

Hello @Kateryna Have you tried with the QuickStart guides? Nylas Quickstart guides | Nylas Docs

I did it. Everything works.
@Blag can help me make authorization. I don’t understand steps.
The firs step is when I click button I redirect on Nylas and get access, then I return on my app and get code in url. What I need do with this code.

@Kateryna Here’s a more depth example Email API Quickstart: read and send email messages | Nylas Docs

Basically, once you created the grant, you can simply use the associated email to fetch emails, events or contacts.

BTW, are you trying to create a grant for yourself? Or do you want to provide access to other users? Because those are different things…

If you just want to create a Grant for yourself…read this guide Start using the Nylas Sandbox | Nylas Docs

Then this one Connect an account to Nylas | Nylas Docs

And finally this one Try the Nylas APIs! | Nylas Docs

Let me know if you have any other questions :slight_smile: