Problem about POST request

Hello everyone.
I am using v3 api and getting code from previous Oauth Request.
then I am making connect/token request to get grant_id to save.

I am always getting “error_code”:45004,“error_description”:“Code verifier challenge failed”

I create code verifier than making a challenge from it . method is either plain or s256 it fails.

I thought I am making a mistake when creating PKCE

I used another library to validate my own verifier and challenge it validates.

any ideas what to do ?

thanks for help in advance.

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@efeengin just wondering what platform did you specify for hosted authenciation?

For frontend authentication, it should be JavaScript

Also I created a reference code sample for PKCE using nylas-identity: GitHub - nylas-samples/nylas-auth-flow-react-spa: Authentication Users Accounts in a Single Page Application / Mobile App

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@ram it is website . to /auth endpoint I am making this request


then I am trying to get grant from /token endpoint with this request

 array:6 [▼
  "client_id" => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  "client_secret" => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  "grant_type" => "authorization_code"
  "code" => "09w1xSghI6798E_0zXnIh1mBnsQYHvpqc7Btez3wCyLYMAHKq8_y74WXWTT0pg9GsTYD9Fn1N5qzD6iDHXiO3lM5LGbXIlUS"
  "redirect_uri" => "http://localhost/integrations/nylasv3-callback"
  "code_verifier" => "e96bf6686a3c3510e9e927db7069cb1cba9b99b022f49483a6ce3270809e68a2"

response : error":"invalid_grant","error_code":45004,"error_description":"Code verifier challenge failed

but getting code challenge is failed. I am doing everything in backend
I need to get grant_id and save from the last request and with api key I will consume endpoints.

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@efeengin for completing backend Auth, just curious is PKCE a requirement for your app?

Also want to share our Quickstart guide with built in authentication, we go over how to Set up user auth with Nylas.

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no it is not but when I send request to /token and if I do not put code_verifier . I get some error like " param code_verifier is not sent etc "

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what I meant is. I send /auth without code_challenge and code_challenge_method which is withOUT PKCE. then I get the code.

then I do 1 more request to /token to get grant_id . if I do not send code_verifier I get error. I believe something is broken with API. spent all day to try every combination still not good.

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and all other endpoints grant_id/messages etc working really fine. just stuck in authentication.

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Hi @efeengin @ram ,
I am also facing same issue from last two days, I am trying to exchange code but its giving me error that “Code verifier challenge failed”. I tried hard but its not resolving. I think there is an issue with api. If you got solution then please help me also. I am still stuck at this error.

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@Emmad_Altaf I believe it is API issue cause I tried any combination with and without PKCE I got same error everything. in my first try I was able to get grant_id so I moved to implement other endpoints after 5-6 hours when I try to auth other account . I got that error and it still exists.

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@ram @Emmad_Altaf any progress cause I am still getting this error. I am pretty sure it is an API issue. Is there any @admins who can look at thi issue?

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Hi @efeengin, I emailed Nylas support, and they asked me for details in their reply. I provided them with all the details last Friday. Hopefully, the Nylas team is looking into this issue. I am also waiting for the Nylas team to fix this issue as my work is currently halted because of it.

I am waiting this issue to be solved also.

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Hi, thanks for sharing your debugging steps - let me block some time to take a look at this soon.

@ram any news? we really stuck here.

@efeengin I’m going to try to authenticate using our Quickstart Guide for Email as a test.

Can you confirm if you have tried running one of our Quickstart Guides with your App credentials and the result? You can also just download the repository, and add your credentials, and run it.

Trying to determine where the issue is.

@efeengin @Emmad_Altaf

I was able to test out the following Quickstart Guide to authenticate and received a grant:

{"message":"OAuth2 flow completed successfully for grant ID: GRANT_ID"}

If you can try doing the same, we can futher debug where the issue is. All the code for authenticating is available in the repository as well (and we have similar repos for other languages).

Alternatively, can you try creating a test grant (Add test grant) using our Dashboard? This uses our hosted authentication UI screen, but is another way to test auth is working for your application without code:

Another question - are you using our sandbox environment to test out Auth?

yes I am using nylas sandbox env to test oAuth

@ram funny thing is when I dont send any code_challenge code_challenge_method. also code_verifier for token endpoint

I get code verifier not provided error. so every request for me goes over PKCE

{“error”:“invalid_grant”,“error_code”:45004,“error_description”:“For code challenge check, code verifier not provided”,"

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Hi @efeengin - can you try running one of our quickstart guides to authenticate an account? I don’t suspect an API issue. Our quickstarts have all the code that you can compare across your application.

Also can you share what your Callback URIs are, I want to check the Platform field:

Hi @ram ,
Below are details:

Client Id: CLIENT_ID

My application code methods - flow:

codeVerifier: CODE_VERIFIER

codeChallenge: CODE_CHALLENGE


code: CODE

json: {“code”:“CODE”,“client_id”:“20f1c644-c0b1-4c62-b6ac-0109aad8fcd6”,“client_secret”:“API_KEY”,“code_verifier”:“CODE_VERIFIER”,“redirect_uri”:“http://localhost:43344/api/Integration/EmailAndCalendarMasterAccountCallback",“grant_type”:"authorization_code”}

responce: {StatusCode: 401, ReasonPhrase: ‘Unauthorized’, Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionResponseContent, Headers:

Connection: keep-alive
X-Frame-Options: DENY
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
x-kong-upstream-latency: 50
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Cache-Control: no-store
x-kong-proxy-latency: 10
x-unique-id: 1981e2a2-edf4-41ff-8e61-59e2fb22ca01
Via: 1.1 varnish, 1.1 varnish
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 09:40:40 GMT
X-Served-By: cache-qpg120109-QPG, cache-qpg120109-QPG
X-Cache-Hits: 0, 0
X-Timer: S1721986840.087965,VS0,VE243
Vary: Origin
Content-Length: 203
Content-Type: application/json
}, Trailing Headers:

responseString: {“error”:“invalid_request_error”,“error_code”:401,“error_description”:“client_id is required”,“error_uri”:“Nylas Unified Auth Service API Reference”}

Now I am also sharing PostMan call details:







“code_verifier”: “4ebk8Yi3piz7DVqayWFLd1HXX5YFlC4GmEKrphWftNU”



“error”: “invalid_grant”,

“error_code”: 45004,

“error_description”: “Code verifier challenge failed”,

“error_uri”: “Nylas Unified Auth Service API Reference”,

“request_id”: “ee26a152-6092-49a7-8550-c5d6b6e69f77”





If i try with my application then its asking that client id is required , you can check i have already correctly passed client id. But if we run flow in postman with same data then its asking that Code verifier challenge failed.

Please review this and investigate/test it in details - its always asking that “Code verifier challenge failed”, I believe this is api issue.

I am waiting for your quick fix please.
