Create booking with variable description and/location


I’ve created a (public) configuration and successfully then created bookings (against Google Calendar). All good, this works fine.

But is it possible using the POST to book an event to give it a unique description and location? I’ve tried putting in a description string field and it’s ignored.

I’m assuming it’s just using the settings from the configuration ID.

Since this is public configuration and anyone could hit the API I assume it’s there to stop people sending abusive/random descriptions etc?

Is this supported if it was a private configuration? We have a scenario where we are connecting a voice agent to someone’s calendar and the reason for the meeting and the location can vary each time.

Yes, I could create a configuration element for each unique meeting but seems a bit excessive and brute force. I’d then have to remember to clear them up. But I’m assuming this is the only way?

Additionally the calendar entries show up as tentative (outlined) in Google Calendar, even tho thats not the mode I’ve used… there doesn’t appear to be any way to force them into the calendar as fully accepted meetings… (full colour, not outline)

Hello @chris Let me ask the Scheduler Team and will get back to you :slight_smile:

Hello @chris Here’s some comments from the Scheduler team :wink:

For their use case they can create public configuration with additional fields under Booking form tab in the scheduler Editor. They can add the additional fields that they want to capture. This way, the end user booking the event can fill in the information they want to capture.

* They could GET /booking and use the returned event_id to PUT metadata in the event itself (and modify the rsvp status)

Hope this helps :nerd_face:

Ok thanks. I had trouble getting the demo editor working (from Github etc, on Mac/Safari) so I just ended up testing with the POSTMAN apis so I can give this a try.

But do these fields map into the event that is saved over on Google Calendar under location and description ….?

I guess I’ll give it a shot.

