Failed to link V2 and V3 applications

Hello everyone,

I’ve started the process of migrating V2 accounts to V3. However, when I try to link the staging apps, I receive the following message:

    "request_id": "20663d0c-b5ac-4de3-add4-266d49ef28a2",
    "error": {
        "type": "v3_migration.link_apps_failed",
        "message": "Failed to link V2 and V3 applications with message: 'failed to find the V2 application 'v2-app-id' and link it to the V3 application 'v3-app-id'. Please ensure both applications are located in the same region'"

I can see both applications in my V3 dashboard.

Could this error be related to something else?

Hello @Fabricio Let me ask the migration team…they are both clearly on the same region, so this is strange…could you provide the organization id of the app you’re trying to migrate?

Hello @Fabricio sorry to ask again but, which API headers are you using when you get that error?

Hi @Blag,

I’m using the headers from the documentation with my authentication keys for both V2 and V3. Where NYLAS_API_KEY is my secret and v2appid:v2appsecret comes from my V2 keys.

  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <NYLAS_API_KEY>' \
  --header 'BasicV2: <base64encoded v2appid:v2appsecret>