Hoe much time it takes to Sync email and contact

I’m developing an application that involves manipulating emails and contacts upon connecting user accounts. However, I’ve encountered a challenge with Nylas, as it syncs mail system data in chunks and lacks the functionality to provide these chunks for manipulation. What steps should I take to address this issue effectively and efficiently?

Hello @Smit I’m not sure what you mean :thinking: Are you using V2 or V3?

On V2 there was a time for sync as we used to store information on our server, for V3 however, that doesn’t happen anymore. Once you connected an account, everything works instantly as it goes straight to the provider.

Hello @Smit :innocent: :innocent:

Try the following steps to resolve the issue with Nylas and its chunked data agreement:

  • Examine the API documentation provided by Nylas to learn how chunked data is handled and whether there are any ways to access and aggregate these pieces.
  • Use Nylas endpoints to get data in digestible sections; being careful to properly handle paging and chunk limits.
  • From your server side; use logic to combine and aggregate chunks before processing
  • For advice on best practices solutions for your particular use case
  • Make sure your data management is effective to prevent problems with performance.