You can see that we navigate from our page to this page, and hope to pre-populate some fields based on information coming from our app… The boxes are properly filled in for us, but when we go to click ‘book now’ we get this error.
@antoine another question we had during this implementation flow was… Is there a way to store some of our unique data on event bookings? We’ve seen references to additional_fields and metadata but have been unsuccessful in using them. In this flow for instance, if we wanted feed_id to be stored on the event, would it? In other words, where do the results of these custom fields get saved to? We’ve run some tests and are not seeing these values be populated onto nylas events. Thanks for the help
@sboynton thanks for raising this - I think what you’ve discovered is a legitimate bug. I looped in our engineers and they’ll be fixing it today, and releasing it in the coming days. Once the fix is released, I’ll be sure to comment here!
Regarding metadata, all additional fields are stored in the /booking objects - we are working to add that information to the GET /bookings response as it’s not returned currently. However, our webhooks do currently return that information (if you subscribe to booking.created webhooks). Notification schemas | Nylas Docs
@antoine Thanks, I can confirm this works and helps a lot. Just another question… is there a way to force the additional fields to be read only or hidden. In v2 we were able to but it seems like v3 might have changed to disallow this. In this example we would pre-populate the fields below email and keep them hidden or read-only