Nylas-editor-tabs is always creating round robin meeting that needs drop-down , but there is no drop-down in UI

here is my code :
<nylas-editor-tabs :selectedConfiguration=“schedulerConfig” /

script setup
import { ref, onMounted } from “vue”;
import { defineCustomElement } from “https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@nylas/web-elements@latest/dist/cdn/nylas-scheduler-editor/nylas-scheduler-editor.es.js”;

// Define the custom Nylas Web Elements

const schedulerConfig = ref({
scheduling: {
scheduling_method: “single-host”, // Expected structure
max_book_ahead_days: 30, // Number of days ahead users can book
min_buffer_time: 15, // Minutes of buffer time between meetings
meeting_duration: 30 // Meeting duration in minutes

onMounted(() => {
console.log("Scheduler Config: ", schedulerConfig.value); // To inspect the data being passed
const schedulerEditor = document.querySelector(“nylas-editor-tabs”);

if (schedulerEditor) {
    // Listen for the form submission event from the Nylas component
    schedulerEditor.addEventListener("formSubmitted", (event) => {
        console.log("Form submitted", event);

    // Error handling
    schedulerEditor.addEventListener("error", (error) => {
        console.error("Nylas Scheduler Error:", error);


Hey @dhrupal ,
nylas-editor-tabs component is included in the nylas-scheduler-editor, which is the parent component that orchestrates all the interactions with the editor.
Please use nylas-scheduler-editor component to create the config where you should see an option to choose the type of configuration you want to create:


We have this html example you can check out for reference: scheduler-v3-code-samples/html/scheduler-editor-nylas-session-config/scheduler-editor.html at main · nylas-samples/scheduler-v3-code-samples · GitHub

i did try that too , but it is always showing login screen , once i complate the login with google , it goes to redirect url page , but that page UI is always empty , so on that page i used nylas-editor-tabs to display the UI , also there is no guide for working with vue js while using nylas…