I am sending a message using the Nylas API to my inbox using the Node.js SDK. the name of the sender comes in as info which is wrong and not what I added in the code as the replyTo name.
I guess the reply to
isn’t for this.
For example: This is a email that I received.
The email has a
reply to
(responder a), but keeps the sender name. So, info
probably is your sender name.
I used the “from” instead of the replyTo and that also is using my email instead of the name.
@VictorMonteiro7 @backgroundbuddy I’m not a Node guy…so I cannot be sure if it is a bug on the SDK or not I fixed a bug on Java for this a couple of days ago but this is how you do it on Python…
"from" : [{"email": "my_email@gmail.com", "name": "Blag the Coder"}],
If you don’t specify both email and name, it doesn’t work
Hey @Blag, I usually do it in the same way with Node SDK.
@VictorMonteiro7 Then you guys found a bug I will report it so it can be fixed as soon as possible Thanks both cc @backgroundbuddy
@Blag I didn’t experience this bug.
@VictorMonteiro7 Sorry, got way ahead myself So it’s working then…good to know @backgroundbuddy Can you please confirm that it’s working for you?
Hey @Blag, I tested here again and also experienced the bug.
This is my request:
{"bcc":[],"body":"<p>teste<br></p>","cc":[],"subject":"Teste","to":[{"email":"<to-email>","name":"contato"}],"from":[{"email":"<from-email>","name":"Test to Nylas"}],"trackingOptions":{"links":true,"opens":true,"threadReplies":true}}
and I received as:
I’m using NodeSDK version 7.5.2.
cc: @backgroundbuddy
Thanks @VictorMonteiro7 I will report this as a bug