Webhook payload Java classes

In V2 Java SDK we had classes that represented webhook payload and it was easy to parse notification json using Notification.parse method.
I can’t see similar classes in V3 Java SDK. Am I missing something? Is something like this planned? It sucks to not have those classes because they would made our life easier.

Hello @paxrex33 Yes, I don’t think the Java SDK doesn’t work like that anymore. We have all the Webhook schemas on our documentation Notification schemas | Nylas Docs if that helps…

Whoever designed SDK and forget those classes should go back to design table.
I’m reading the docs you shared and all I see is just the shape of JSON response that we get. No explanation about the meaning of some fields.
What is “id”?
What is “data.object.id”?
What is “data.object.login_id”?

Or should I contact support for everything that is not explained well?

Thanks, that’s good feedback for the Docs team. Those fields should be explained to make clear what they are.