Get All Threads, Order By Updated Date


I don’t find any mention of sorting / ordering in the documentation.

Without having to save everything in database and add the logic myself, is there a way to fetch all the threads by updated date?

Currently, If a thread have been created a long time ago but has a new message, it still does not pop on the first page of the request. I suppose the threads are sorted by Creation Date by default.

Thanks all!

Hello @ThibaudWink Which provider are you using?

Hello, well almost all of them, Google, Microsoft, IMAP… Shouldn’t this feature be independant of providers?

Well…not quite…different providers handle things differently and sometimes the implementation takes more time…the end goal is to make independent for the user…

Can you please provide me with a request ID? or a grant ID? so that the platform team can take a look at this?

"request_id": "54bbe6e9-7f1b-4338-b1a9-8202d558fe3e"

But being a developer myself I don’t understand how it’s gonna help the dev team @nylas? Either it’s a feature that has not been dev yet, or a bug that I suppose appears on every request?

Anyway, thank you for your quick answers.

Can you explain the situation to me?

By using the request_id the platform team can traceback the error and see whether is a bug or something else…our accounts have everything enabled, so it’s better to test with the account that is generating problems…