Invalid Credentials Error when calling exchange_code_for_token

I’m migrating my application from v2 to v3, I set a sandbox application to test my changes and I’m getting this error when calling the exchange_code_for_token method in the Python SDK, my code looks like this:

code_exchange_request = CodeExchangeRequest(

    token: CodeExchangeResponse = self.client.auth.exchange_code_for_token(code_exchange_request)
except NylasOAuthError as e:
    log.logger.error(f"[NYLAS] Error {e.error_code} {e.error_description}.")
    raise e

The output in the logs looks like this: ERROR [NYLAS] Error 25022 Invalid credentials provided.

I tried using my client_id and client_secret in the Nylas web API client from here and I got the same error:

  "error": "invalid_request_error",
  "error_code": 401,
  "error_description": "request is empty or malformed",
  "error_uri": "",
  "request_id": "e774609a-eb1a-44d3-abe7-faf04254c6c8"

What could I be doing wrong?

Hello @jose Let me take a look and will get back to you…I will need to run some tests…