@nylas/web-elements version 1.1.3 broken on cdn.jsdelivr.net

The latest (v1.1.3) version of this lib is failing with an HTTP 403 on cdn.jsdelivr.net with the following error message: “Package size exceeded the configured limit of 150 MB.”


The previous version, v1.1.2, still works correctly.

We found this out when we got a complaint that our new user onboarding scheduling page was blank in production. For anyone else out there that is affected, here is the last-known good version that we are now locked on: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@nylas/web-elements@1.1.2/dist/cdn/nylas-scheduling/nylas-scheduling.es.js

Hello @bgadoury I have sent your question to the Scheduler team, will get back to you as soon as they have an answer :slight_smile:

Thanks @Blag but after this outage, we’re not comfortable going back to @latest so we’re going to stay on @1.1.2. No need to get back to me on a resolution - I just wanted to let y’all know.

@bgadoury Sorry for the bad experience :frowning: Will pass your feedback to the team.

@bgadoury Not sure if this helps but you can use this


FYI: UNPKG.com is completely unusable. Please don't recommend it in your docs - #5 by antoine

@bgadoury Sorry about that :frowning: I was delivering a message, will pass the feedback once more :frowning: